Friday, February 22, 2013

Need Advice Plz--How Do I Kick-start My Next Book?

I really need to start writing. I have a story, know most of the characters that will be in it, even know who killed who, and why. But, can't seem to start writing. Lots of talking about writing, lots of thinking about writing--but no actual writing.

Any advice?


  1. You just need to limber up your writing muscles.

    First: No one ever said you have to write the book in order. Write any particular scenes, or bits of dialogue, that appeal to you. (Margaret Mitchell wrote the last chapter of 'Gone with the Wind' first and still didn't have an opening chapter when she'd turned it over to her publisher. Stephenie Meyer started in the middle with 'Twilight.')

    Secondly: Write some character sketches. Write about who your characters are, their physical traits and personalities, and maybe a few anecdotes about things that happened to them to shape them into the people they are. If you don't have the pressure of "I'm writing this for the book," sometimes the words flow more easily.

    Third: Write every day, even if you don't really want to. If you can't think of anything to write, write about not being able to think of anything. Every writer needs practice.

    Good luck, and happy writing!

    1. Fantastic advice Lissa! Thanks. My first book--I wrote the ending first so I know exactly what you mean. :) Thanks again.

  2. Hemingway has good advice: Write one true sentence.

  3. I had the same problem, and then realised that I was missing some research that I needed to do. Is something missing? Perhaps the blank white page is too hard to face. Compose your opening sentence in your head, then sit down and type it in. Go from there.
    And you know what, some of us talk to think. I do. The talking may be your way of organising your thoughts and preparing yourself for writing.

    1. Thanks Sjmain. What you said about some of us talking to think--that's me. So my time hasn't been wasted. Thanks again. :)

  4. I've found it's helpful to write the backstory...what lead all of the characters up to where they step onto your stage on Page One.

    Otherwise, think about this as a movie -- what would the opening be like? Sometimes that's seeing the credits roll...sometimes it's having everything burst into action immediately with a cool down...just a slight one for the characters to catch their breath...after that.

    Read some of the other comments and all the suggestions make perfect sense to me. When one thing doesn't work, try another! :-)

  5. Thanks Beth, I really like what you said about thinking of this as a movie. That's writing 101. If the reader can't see it, write it another way. Thanks for reminding me.

  6. Start on the part of the book that interests you the most then you can write the rest whether it's the beginning or the end or the middle. Make a chart to plot it and revise it if necessary.

    1. Thanks Sheilagh. I started writing book two today. Obviously, it's pretty rough but I'm still happy with it. Thanks for your advice.

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